Semilla de Brazil Review – 12 Things You Need to Know

Semilla de Brazil Review 

											- 12 Things You Need to Know
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Semilla de Brazil – a revolutionary treatment for obesity. This completely natural supplement claims it burns fat fast and nourishes your metabolism. Our research team was highly skeptical about its effectiveness, so we investigated this promising new fat burner.

Our researchers set out to find clinical evidence to back the claims surrounding Semilla de Brazil. Don’t spend your hard-earned money on these weight loss pills before you read the bottom line.

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What is Semilla de Brazil?

Did you know that Semilla de Brasil pills are actually pieces of Brazil nuts. They essentially go through a three-step process. First, the nuts need to be harvested, then they need to be broken down into pieces before they are sent to a manufacturing plant for packaging in the US.

Brazil nuts are harvested from one of the longest-lived trees in the Amazon rainforest. In 2017, 84 thousand tons of Brazil nuts were harvested from tropical forests in South America. The nuts are a popular snack in some parts of the world, but they’re mainly used to produce Brazil nut oil.

Brazil nuts contain high levels of selenium, protein, and healthy fats. Here are a few studies to review regarding brazil nuts and their health benefits.

Semilla de Brazil Competitors

Nuez Dela India
Company Information

Who Makes Semilla de Brazil?

We failed to find information about Semilla de Brazil online. There is no official website for the product, as there seem to be multiple distributors and sellers of the supplement.

Even though there’s no one maker, we were able to find the one that’s most popular. Semilla De Brasil by Innovacion Natural can be found for sale all of the internet, including at Amazon and Walmart. It sells for about $9.99

Other products marketed by Innovacion Natural include: Chupa Grass Te Metabolic Detox Tea, Me Vale Madre Te Relaxing Calming Tea, Esponjabon Cucumber Melon Pepino Hydrating Effect T.Taio, Demograss Gel, Apple and Cinnamon Tea Manzana y Canela para Control, Demograss PREMIER, Piñalim Pinalife GN Vida Pineapple Diet Capsules, Demograss Clasico, Alpiste 100% Puro Natural, and Alipotec Tejocote Root.

Semilla de Brazil Customer Service

To contact customer service for Innovacion Natural, call 877-592-0027 or send an email to [email protected]. Innovacion Natural is located at 10910 Long Beach Blvd. Suite 103-402 Lynwood, CA, 90262 United States.

Semilla de Brazil Customer Testimonials


Semilla de Brazil Claims

Semilla de Brazil claims to be a completely natural supplement that nourishes your metabolism and burns fat faster. They also claim that this signature fat burner is a revolutionary treatment for obesity and several serious medical conditions.


Semilla de Brazil Ingredients

The amount each serving contains will depend on the brand. Each supplement will generally contain 100 – 500 mg of the ingredient.


Does Semilla de Brazil Work?

Bertholletia excelsa is the scientific name for the Brazil nut, also known as the Brazilian seed.

One serving of Brazil nuts, about 28 grams, contains:

  • Calories: 187
  • Fat: 19 grams
  • Protein: 4.1 grams
  • Fiber: 2.1 grams
  • Carbs: 3.3 grams
  • Selenium: 988% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 33% of the
  • Copper: 55% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 17% of the RDI
  • Phosphorus: 30% of the RDI
  • Thiamine: 16% of the RDI
  • Zinc: 10.5% of the RDI
  • Vitamin E: 11% of the RDI

There are some health benefits associated with Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts contain high levels of selenium. According to the scientific journal Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski, selenium is a naturally occurring trace element that may aid health.

Another study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that eating two Brazil nuts a day provides the same amount of selenium as a supplement.

Brazil nuts are also rich in antioxidants. Research reviewed in Nutrients suggests that the antioxidants found in Brazil nuts may reduce inflammation.

Regularly consuming Brazil nuts may improve your heart health. Research from the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism found that Brazil nuts positively affect cholesterol levels. Consuming 20 to 50 grams of Brazil nuts effectively lowered bad cholesterol levels while raising good cholesterol levels.

Weight Loss

Semilla de Brazil and Weight Loss

Semilla de Brazil does not sell weight loss pills, but instead pieces of Brazil nuts. So, does it work for weight loss?

There is zero evidence that Brazil nuts aid in weight loss. An average serving of Brazil nuts is six whole nuts, so even if Brazil nuts could help you lose weight, eating a broken piece of Brazil nut once a day wouldn’t help you.

Brazil nuts contain linoleic acid. Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, was once touted as a weight-loss aid, but clinical trials refuted those claims. While CLA reduces body fat in rats, a clinical trial reviewed in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition was unable to replicate humans’ results. Even in large doses, the number of weight participants lost was insignificant.

Side Effects

Semilla de Brazil Side Effects

There shouldn’t be any side effects associated with Brazil nuts, but several Amazon reviews claim Semilla de Brazil diet pills made them sick. They complained of severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. Other reviews claim they opened the packaging to find worms eating their Brazil nuts.

The only ingredient in Semilla de Brazil diet pills is Brazil nuts, so that the side effects may stem from a spoiled product or cross-contamination.

Semilla de Brazil responded that the adverse effects were evidence that the product was working because the body was detoxing. We found no evidence to support their claims.


How to Use Semilla de Brazil

Eat one piece of a Semilla de Brazil seed at bedtime. It’s best to chew the seed, but you can swallow it whole if you don’t enjoy the bitter taste. Semilla de Brazil recommends increasing your water intake and taking a potassium supplement as well.

People who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should not use this product. Anyone who suffers from gastric ulcers or GERD should not take Semilla de Brazil Brazil seeds.


Cost and Where to Buy

You can purchase Semilla de Brazil on Amazon for $11.95. You can find other brands and packaging options ranging from $10 – $20 on Amazon, Walmart, and eBay.

Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons

There are multiple pros and cons to consider with this ingredient.


  • Inexpensive


  • Not clinically proven
  • May give you diarrhea
  • Not actually a diet pill
  • No customer support or contact information

What Users Are Saying

What Users Are Saying

“Lost 35 lbs so far. Started in 8/2020. You have to adjust the piece of seed to what you feel more comfortable with. I cut most of the big ones in half. 1 piece at night, lots of water and potassium supplement during the day, sometimes electrolytes to replenish fluids. Eat better and do some light exercise. Do what you can to feel better.”

“After a while I had to stop taking these because I get nauseous. But they did work and I saw results within a week. Drink lots of water or else your muscles will cramp. I lost about 3 pounds that first week. Might start again some time soon and stop when/if I feel bad again.”

“Do not eat this item. I took just one seed and caused me extreme diarrhea and nausea. This product is dangerous.”

Semilla de Brazil Ingredients

Bottom Line

The Bottom Line on Semilla de Brazil Results

Is Semilla de Brazil a scam? There’s no evidence that Semilla de Brazil aids weight loss, and we’re concerned about any company that markets a seed as a diet pill. It’s always wise to purchase dietary supplements from verified manufacturers who support their claims with clinical trials.

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Semilla de Brazil

What is Semilla de Brazil?


Semilla de Brazil is a completely natural supplement made from pieces of Brazil nuts. It is claimed to nourish the metabolism and burn fat quickly, making it a revolutionary treatment for obesity and other serious medical conditions.

Who makes Semilla de Brazil?


There is no official maker of Semilla de Brazil, but the most popular product is sold by Innovacion Natural, which can be found for sale all over the internet, including at Amazon and Walmart.

What are the ingredients in Semilla de Brazil?


The only ingredient in Semilla de Brazil is pieces of Brazil nuts, which are harvested from one of the longest-lived trees in the Amazon rainforest. They contain high levels of selenium, protein, and healthy fats.

Does Semilla de Brazil work?


There is no clinical evidence to support the claims surrounding Semilla de Brazil, but Brazil nuts themselves have several health benefits, including improving heart health and reducing inflammation.

Is Semilla de Brazil a weight loss supplement?


No, Semilla de Brazil is not a weight loss supplement, but pieces of Brazil nuts. While Brazil nuts themselves contain linoleic acid, which was once touted as a weight loss aid, there is no evidence to support the claim that eating broken pieces of Brazil nuts aids in weight loss.

What nutrition does Semilla De Brazil offer?


The nutrition facts for Semilla De Brazil is:

  • Calories: 187
  • Fat: 19 grams
  • Protein: 4.1 grams
  • Fiber: 2.1 grams
  • Carbs: 3.3 grams
  • Selenium: 988% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 33% of the
  • Copper: 55% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 17% of the RDI
  • Phosphorus: 30% of the RDI
  • Thiamine: 16% of the RDI
  • Zinc: 10.5% of the RDI
  • Vitamin E: 11% of the RDI

Are there any side effects with Semilla De Brazil?


There have only been two types of side effects reported so far, severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. People with nut allergies should avoid the product altogether.

Where can I buy Semilla De Brazil?


You can find the product at online retailers like Amazon and eBay. Prices will range from $10-$20.

How much does Semilla de Brazil cost?


Semilla de Brazil can be found for sale for around $9.99, but the price may vary depending on the seller and the amount of the supplement included.

Does Semilla de Brazil help you lose weight?


Semilla de Brazil is a dietary supplement which may help you to achieve weight loss goals. According to the manufacturer, Semilla de Brazil contains natural ingredients that can support fat burning and help encourage the body’s metabolism. The product states that it can reduce bloating, suppress appetite and increase energy levels when taken daily as part of a balanced diet and exercise program. Ultimately, individual results with Semilla de Brazil will vary depending on the user’s efforts in healthy eating and regular physical activity.

What are the health benefits of Brazil nuts?


Brazil nuts contain high levels of selenium, which may aid health, and are also rich in antioxidants, which may reduce inflammation. Regularly consuming Brazil nuts may also improve heart health.

How do you contact customer service for Semilla de Brazil?


To contact customer service for Innovacion Natural, which produces Semilla de Brazil, call 877-592-0027 or send an email to [email protected].

How are Brazil nuts processed to make Semilla de Brazil?


Brazil nuts go through a three-step process to make Semilla de Brazil: they are first harvested, then broken down into pieces, and finally sent to a manufacturing plant in the US for packaging.

Is there any clinical evidence to back the claims surrounding Semilla de Brazil?


No, there is no clinical evidence to support the claims surrounding Semilla de Brazil, but Brazil nuts themselves have been studied and have several health benefits.

Can Semilla de Brazil be purchased in stores?


Yes, Semilla de Brazil can be purchased in stores, including Walmart and other retailers, as well as online.

Are there any other products marketed by Innovacion Natural?


Yes, Innovacion Natural also markets other products, including Chupa Grass Te Metabolic Detox Tea, Me Vale Madre Te Relaxing Calming Tea, and Piñalim Pinalife GN Vida Pineapple Diet Capsules, among others.

Where is Innovacion Natural located?


Innovacion Natural is located at 10910 Long Beach Blvd. Suite 103-402 Lynwood, CA, 90262 United States.

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